Hi, I'm Mack! Some people know me as Mack the Money Mommy and in this piece, I'm going to show you the best, most realistic 2024 side hustle for moms that I guarantee you nobody's talking about.
About 4 years ago now, when I became a single mom of two beautiful boys, I was looking for ways to make money online fast so I could be home full time. I needed a solid online opportunity that could make successful, ongoing, revenue fast without requiring me to be a technology wiz.
Another problem I kept running into was that most of the online work I found was targeted towards mainly a younger crowed (I'm 42) meaning they were more like ideas on how to make money that were pretty video content heavy or required lots of photos and posts daily to gain interest in services being offered. The jobs I found were also targeting people with lots of free time on their hands and thousands of dollars to invest in things like inventory or marketing costs in order to participate in the company.
 I of course, as a stay-at-home mom did not fall into any of the categories above.
You know what they say, necessity is the mother of invention, so I got to work on inventing in a way that would allow me to build followers or more like a team based on opportunities and operate on a well known social media page rather than having to position for buy in using my own website.
Let's talk about the best side hustle for moms that has honestly changed my entire life and has allowed me to take care of myself and my boys while helping other single moms do the same for their families simultaneously. In a world where we lack resources due to over pricing this site has been the life blood of my family and so many others.
Be sure to read till the end because I'm also going to show you not only how this side hustle works but how you can actually get started completely for free in as little as 1 to two weeks and get up and running fast just by watching videos.
And if you're new here again I'm Mack and my goal with this site is to help other moms make realistic sustainable incomes online.
So lets talk about good side hustle criteria.

Before we can understand what the best side hustle model is, we need to get clear on what actually makes a good side hustle, well.....good for busy moms.
We know busy moms are excellent at every job they encounter or small businesses they open because busy moms are excellent at keeping a ship afloat. But what moms need most is flexibility, something profitable and something that keeps them interested.
First, it's got to be easy on the wallet.
As moms, we're already juggling a million things every single day. The last thing we need is to fork out a bunch of cash up front. A good side hustle lets a busy mom dive in without digging deep into our savings. Companies that require you to make a major investment before you have even had your first day of work are a quick way towards a dead end and you being unable to support your needs.
Next flexibility is key.
A moms days are unpredictable. One minute we're packing lunch, the next we're playing referee. A side hustle needs to fit into our crazy schedules not the other way around.
Whether it's after bedtime or during nap time we need something that works when we do.
Jobs that allow you to work from home but chain you to the computer through your mouse connect or security measures create an environment of distrust and often lead to your career being in jeopardy daily if you have to attend to an emergency.
Moms love to provide service but it has to be from an environment that gives them the opportunity to implement focus and login to platforms that facilitate their day so that they can create successful daily growth generated by rapid and well done task completion and respond to client queries with great enthusiasm.
Number three is a big one: quick income potential.
In other words, it needs to make money quickly. As moms, we don't have the luxury of waiting months to see a return. Bills don't wait and neither do growing kids.

Moms thrive in remote companies that dedicate websites and an account to steady weekly/monthly payments they can track and link back to when needed to gauge work completed and money earned. These days its much easier to work online within your country or across the globe. In fact, the remote workforce environment and gig work economy is dealing in millions of dollars a day and paying moms to do anything from write a blog, answer phones or help plan events to cleaning facilities, managing private meetings and responding to online message and comments.
Last but not least, it's got to be easy to manage
We're already experts in multitasking so the last thing we need is something that requires a PhD to understand. A good side hustle is straightforward with clear steps and manageable tasks. Whether the hustle is housed on an app or users are give links or websites to work off of, we live in a day and age where in many instances human error can be eliminated completely which leads to less oversight and opportunities for busy moms to do a great job at work and a great job at home all within the same 24 hours.
So now that we know what makes a good side hustle, let's take a look at some of the most popular business models that people are talking about on the internet and see how they stack up.
1. Print On Demand and Etsy
Print on demand and Etsy or really any e-commerce business platform has gained a ton of popularity due to the low startup costs and the fact that once you get it working you don't need to put in more time to make more money.
This is what makes this option an opportunity with low startup costs plus flexibility of schedule.
What they don't tell you is that you'll be testing a bunch of different products before you find one that sells and not only will you be spending money and time on testing and marketing but you'll also have to deal with a bunch of customers and suppliers which makes it not as easy to manage as it presents. In fact, its much more like a full time job that will require a much bigger investment of time and resources than a business you can run on facebook.
Now as for income, even after you do find that one winning product it's still a wait and see game before it starts to pick up traction. And by traction I mean you will have to post, make contact with, build facebook ads for, build a presence on TikTok and see how many countries you can make a connection in before finding a tribe of buyers who are interested in what you're selling.
This truth makes this opportunity not really quick income and the biggest problem is that the profit margins are razor thin so even if you're making thousands of dollars with your store and have lots of people purchasing items daily, you're only taking home a fraction of that total.

2.Affiliate Marketing and Content Creation
Affiliate marketing is where you sell other people's products through making social media content or some other traffic source like a blog and directing that traffic to those affiliate products.
Another option is to create content to build your own audience and sell your own products on sites you are requesting a screen group of possible clients to visit regularly. With both of these options, you can start with little to no investment since you're just making videos so low start up cost and easy to manage if you have the required skill sets and don't need to hire out.
However, the real cost is in the time and effort to build trust and an audience. The thing is, we're busy moms we don't have time to spend hours making videos every day if those videos aren't immediately making money for us which makes this opportunity immediately not flexible and not quick income.
Writing the script alone and paying to download necessary software is only an expense worth investing in if you are in a position to also build websites, manage a page, create content that will connect with an audience and track results for the clients you are advertising for on your own. When it's listed this way it does seem a little less appealing.

3. Finally there's investing
You'll hear a lot of these gurus tell you how important investing in assets and passive income is and yes, passive investments are flexible and easy to manage but they all ignore the biggest problem......... investing not only takes time to build up but it also takes having a lot of money up front to even invest in the first place. Making this option, not quick income and not low startup cost.
A few years ago when I became a single mom and had to take care of my boys I didn't have thousands of dollars I could just throw into some investment each month, plus all of those returns you get from investing don't actually come back in real cash. If you try to pull them out, you're basically restarting your investment returns which kills the entire point of investing all together.
In fact, a idea like this should only be in addition to a lucrative opportunity.

So now that we looked at all those other options what is the best side hustle for moms in 2024?
The side hustle I'm talking about is called a local online dollar auction.
Now I know you probably have no idea what I'm talking about here so let me explain what a local online dollar auction is and how I even came across the business model in the first place.
When I first became a single mom I was scrambling to make ends meet and provide for my boys. I needed something flexible, something that wouldn't require a huge investment and something I could manage in the nooks and crannies of my day while still being profitable.
That's when I stumbled upon the idea of a local online dollar auction.

This model was born out of a combination of necessity and creativity. It is a way to earn income from home while building a supportive community.
And the concept is actually really simple.
You start with items you have lying around or items you can source inexpensively and you list them for auction in your Facebook group starting at just a minimum of $1. Yes you heard that right a minimum opening bid of just $1.
From there, community members, your neighbors, friends and fellow moms start bidding and the highest bid at the end of the auction wins the item.
But that's not all...... a dollar auction is a two-way street.
As a member of the auction you also get to participate in bidding. This means you can snag essential items (often name brands) in high quality at a fraction of retail cost. In fact, on my dollar auctionI've saved hundreds of dollars on things like school clothes, things I need around the house, Christmas gifts, you name it!
On average, most dollar auction owners have four different income streams from just one $1 auction business and one of the best income streams we have is membership fees.
Here's how it works.
You start by creating different tiers in your auction group where members can opt for added benefits at a small cost. It's basically like offering a VIP experience for those who want a bit more from your group allowing them to make more money for themselves and in return you get a steady way to bring in some cash each month.
Theres another income stream you can participate in when you are running an auction and thats business ads and sponsorships.
Local businesses, especially those home-based or small scale ones are always looking for new effective ways to reach potential customers and guess what.....your auction group is a perfect platform for them.
By offering ad space or sponsorship within your group, not only are you helping those businesses thrive but you're also adding another lucrative stream of income for yourself.
So by running a dollar auction you're not just creating a place where people can buyand sell things, you're essentially building a mini empire with diverse income streams from sales and memberships to ads and sponsorships.

Now I'm sure you're probably wondering. "Okay Mack, this sounds great and all but how much can I actually make from something like this?"
Well, first of all, I want to say that this is absolutely not a get-rich quick scheme. This is a simple realistic and highly effective and achievable way for moms who need cash now to to start without leaving their homes and who want something that can generate passive income that can actually sustain them while they take care of their kids.
I myself am making between $2k-$3k a month just from the membership fees alone which means I didn't have to sell anything or gain any additional group sponsors to get that monthly income.
Additionally, several community members have joined my auction to make sales and are using my dollar auction to generate thousands of dollars monthly to pay their own bills and handle expenses they have.

 I also know some of you might be thinking. "I don't know, is this something I could even have time to manage?" or "How hard is this to set up and run?" Don't worry, because when it comes to time management this is where the dollar auction model really shines for us moms.
Since you're mainly responsible for managing the group and not each individual transaction, your working hours are really entirely up to you. You can even hire a virtual assistant to manage the entire day-to-day if you like which translates into actual passive income for yourself.
As for the difficulty, while this isn't difficult at all to set up, it's still quite helpful to know all the steps you need to take to actually get started.
In fact, I created a free training where I show you step by step exactly how to start and run your own dollar auction completely for free in just a matter of days if you want to check that out at this link.
I'd be excited to teach you more about how this works. The dollar auction has truly changed the lives of me and my two sons and I've seen it do the same thing for so many other families in my community.
The best part is that anyone can start one since each auction group is tied to its own local community so there's more than enough room for everyone.
If you want to learn how to start your own without making all the same mistakes I made when I first started out click here for my free webinar.